Verification of the GNOME Foundation 2002 Elections Results

To run the vote counting scripts, you need several files:

Please note that you need python to run the scripts.

Running the scripts

Here are the steps to obtain the results:

$ gunzip 2002-November.txt.gz 2002-December.txt.gz
$ cat 2002-November.txt 2002-December.txt > vote-archives.txt
$ python registered-voters.txt > addresses.txt
$ python vote-archives.txt dontforgettovote addresses.txt > results.txt

The results should be in results.txt. A list of errors will be generated at the top of the output, but note that many of those errors will represent problems which are fixed later in the archive (manifested by the voter having a counted ballot later in the results). The final tallies will be at the bottom.

If you want to replicate the posted results, you have to apply the diff file before running the scripts:

$ diff -p0 < vote-archives.diff