Results for the 2016 Spring Board of Directors Election

2016 Spring Board of Directors Election

2016 Spring Board of Directors Election

Ballot file contains 8 candidates and 143 ballots.
Ballot file contains 142 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for 2016 Spring Board of Directors Election using Scottish STV.
8 candidates running for 7 seats.

Round Shaun McCance Allan Day Nuritzi Sanchez Alexandre Franke Jim Hall Meg Ford Cosimo Cecchi Siska Iskandar Exhausted Surplus Threshold
1 23.00000 48.00000 8.00000 18.00000 9.00000 14.00000 16.00000 6.00000 0.00000 35.00000 18.00000
Count of first choices. Candidates Shaun McCance, Allan Day, and Alexandre Franke have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
2 23.00000 18.00000 13.00000 18.00000 12.12500 18.37500 32.25000 7.25000 0.00000 19.62500 18.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Allan Day with a transfer value of 30.00000/48.00000. Candidates Meg Ford and Cosimo Cecchi have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
3 23.00000 18.00000 17.91568 18.00000 17.64822 18.37500 18.00000 8.96220 2.09890 5.37500 18.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Cosimo Cecchi with a transfer value of 14.25000/32.25000. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
4 18.00000 18.00000 19.00263 18.00000 20.47429 18.37500 18.00000 9.39698 2.75110 3.85192 18.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Shaun McCance with a transfer value of 5.00000/23.00000. Candidates Nuritzi Sanchez and Jim Hall have reached the threshold and are elected.

Winners are Shaun McCance, Allan Day, Nuritzi Sanchez, Alexandre Franke, Jim Hall, Meg Ford, and Cosimo Cecchi.

Please look at the list of all votes and verify that your vote is correct.