Results for the 2024 Spring Board of Directors Election

2024 Spring Board of Directors Election

Ballot file contains 11 candidates and 156 ballots.
Ballot file contains 156 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for 2024 Spring Board of Directors Election using Scottish STV.
11 candidates running for 6 seats.

Round Allan Day Julian Sparber Julian Hofer Robert McQueen Manuel Genovés Regina Nkenchor Sammy Fung Pablo Correa Gomez Jonas Dreßler Federico Mena Quintero Karen Sandler Exhausted Surplus Threshold
1 30.00000 15.00000 9.00000 18.00000 5.00000 5.00000 2.00000 22.00000 4.00000 37.00000 9.00000 0.00000 21.00000 23.00000
Count of first choices. Candidates Allan Day and Federico Mena Quintero have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
2 30.00000 15.00000 9.75674 22.16207 5.75674 6.51348 2.37837 23.13511 4.37837 23.00000 13.91881 0.00031 7.13511 23.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Federico Mena Quintero with a transfer value of 14.00000/37.00000. Candidate Pablo Correa Gomez has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
3 23.00000 15.93332 10.22340 23.79538 5.75674 6.98014 2.84503 23.13511 5.54502 23.00000 15.31879 0.46707 0.93049 23.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Allan Day with a transfer value of 7.00000/30.00000. Candidate Robert McQueen has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
4 23.00000 15.97938 10.26461 23.00000 5.76938 7.08490 2.94009 23.13511 5.57324 23.00000 15.73212 0.52117 0.13511 23.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Robert McQueen with a transfer value of 0.79538/23.79538. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
5 23.00000 16.00714 10.29381 23.00000 5.78690 7.08710 2.94593 23.00000 5.61412 23.00000 15.73212 0.53288 0.00000 23.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Pablo Correa Gomez with a transfer value of 0.13511/23.13511. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
6 23.00000 16.24631 10.29381 23.00000 6.04845 8.08710 23.00000 5.61412 23.00000 17.14391 0.56630 0.00000 23.00000
Count after eliminating Sammy Fung and transferring votes. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
7 23.00000 17.72465 10.54466 23.00000 9.04845 8.70659 23.00000 23.00000 17.16239 0.81326 0.00000 23.00000
Count after eliminating Jonas Dreßler and transferring votes. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
8 23.00000 17.96577 10.54466 23.00000 9.80739 23.00000 23.00000 23.24458 2.43760 0.24458 23.00000
Count after eliminating Regina Nkenchor and transferring votes. Candidate Karen Sandler has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
9 23.00000 18.03827 10.54912 23.00000 9.85583 23.00000 23.00000 23.00000 2.55678 0.00000 23.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Karen Sandler with a transfer value of 0.24458/23.24458. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
10 23.00000 22.08426 14.57968 23.00000 23.00000 23.00000 23.00000 4.33606 0.00000 23.00000
Count after eliminating Manuel Genovés and transferring votes. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
11 23.00000 35.42663 23.00000 23.00000 23.00000 23.00000 5.57337 12.42663 23.00000
Count after eliminating Julian Hofer and transferring votes. Candidate Julian Sparber has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Allan Day, Julian Sparber, Robert McQueen, Pablo Correa Gomez, Federico Mena Quintero, and Karen Sandler.

Please look at the list of all votes and verify that your vote is correct.